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It’s time to order the next standard Magic release.  You’re gonna save big if you preorder but the window closes soon.

BUY A BOX PROMOS are only available for in-store pick up orders and limited to one per person.  No exceptions.  We can not ship them.  You can not get more than one.

Mail-Order orders will ship the day before release through release weekend if orders are significant.  All past orders have shipped the day before release or release day.

With the last Magic release WotC allowed us to sell EVERYTHING starting with the prerelease date.  If that follows with this release EVERYONE can pick up 4/14.  If not pick up will be 4/21.  If pick up is 4/21 we will have a small amount of sealed boxes available 4/14 that will qualify for BaB promos.  If pick up is 4/14 BaB promos go to first paid in order until they are gone.  We wish would could give you better info but we can’t until WotC does.


Prize support for prereleases SHOULD be MARCH OF THE MACHINE set boosters.  1 per player.

If something sells out sign up for our in stock notifier but watch for price changes.

Please check back in case WotC changes the dates.

  • Prerelease – Friday 4/14/23 @ 7 pm & Sunday 4/16/23 @  4 pm
  • Take Home prerelease – 4/14/23  @ 3 pm thru 4/20/23 @ 8 pm.
    NOTE – You must provide a name for each Prerelease kit for take home so that we may report it to WOTC.
  • Release Date – Friday 4/21/23 @ 10 am
    (but if WOTC follows the pattern of the last release we may be able to offer everything on 4/14/23)
  • Compleat Bundle Edition – Friday 5/4/23 @ 10 am

All Dates subject to change.

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What is Jetpack Comics?

It’s a shop in Rochester, NH run for and by gamers and comic enthusiasts! No matter what you may have heard (it’s probably true), you’ll be happy to visit us! We’re a whole lot of fun and a whole lot of shop! Jetpack Comics is more than just a comic and games store, it’s an experience

Mon – Thu 10 – 8
Fri 10 – 10:30
Sat 10 – 8
Sun 10 – 6


Phone: (603) 330-XMEN
Address: 37 North Main St.
Rochester, NH 03867


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