Ships aprx late February
Two of Jetpack’s creative friends team-up for this 1000 piece print run
Scripted by our bud, Tom Sniegoski.
Penciled by our chum Craig Rousseau (with our own exclusive cover by Craig).
Legit, these guys are working together because of their history with Jetpack!
That’s why we get an exclusive cover…more details below.
The short story of Tom & Craig.
Tom & Craig, each, have a long history of work in the funny book business.
While both being industry professionals they had not met prior to an event that Ralph organized nearly 20 years ago.
Craig Rousseau was one of the first professional comic artists that Ralph met, at a monthly Boston Comic Convention over 2 decades ago. Ralph purchased a bunch of original art from Craig, including a Harley Quinn page, Batman animated pages, hand dozens of pages more. Ralph’s persistent pestering created a love hate relationship, with Craig hating Ralph and Ralph loving to make Craig hate him more.
Tom Sniegoski participated in a store signing at a store that Ralph did not work at or run, but was nearby enough to Ralph to make him crazy. Professional jealousy pushed Ralph to track this local talent down and then berate him until he would come an do a store signing with him. Reluctantly Tom agreed, and it was at this event that Tom & Craig met.
Ralph has had the pleasure of producing a number of exclusives with both Tom & Craig over the years but he’ll be damned if he can find them all. Exclusives with Tom Sniegoski range from obscure old DE books, to recent Vampirella work and an upcoming Valentine’s day Vampirella special with a cover by TMNT Superstar Jim Lawson. Ralph’s work with Craig include purchasing near the entire print run of a Perhapanauts ashcan/ special, commissioning an exclusive cover to Perhapanauts #1 and convincing Craig to do a cover for Johnny Raygun.
Tom is an old, old man with a young soul.
Craig is an angry man with an angry heart.
Together they are a perfect team.
Take a minute and look up their work. There are not two other people we could be more happy seeing work together.
Okay, that’s an outright lie but we are pleased they get along.