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Play for free, get free packs and hang out doing what you like anyway – or get paid $

Our main MAGIC #mtg #magicthegathering man, “Billy” QUENTIN “Madison”  has to go back to school for a bit so we need some FNM help.

What do you need to do? 

  • You need to know how to draft and play in a prerelease.
  • You need to be able to type into a computer.
  • You need to enjoy playing Magic.
  • You get to play in all of the events you run.

While we would prefer to hire one person to do this we’d be happy to  have a number of people switch off weekly.

The FNM / Prererelease Coordinator gets to play for free and gets  additional packs for running the event.

A regular FNM would get the coordinator a total of 10 play booster packs  (3 draft + 7).
A prerelease would depend on the type (ie a Masters event is more expensive than a regular prerelease).

Of course, if you’d rather get paid $ we can work that out as well.
FNM generally runs 6:30 pm (registration) to about 11 pm.  The game  starts at 7 pm and runs three rounds.
Prereleases on Friday run the same time.  Saturday events run about 3:30  pm to 9:30 pm.

If you’re already playing FNM why not do it and get rewarded?
FNM Organizers simply need to get the players registered, set the draft  pods and get the game rolling.
You enter the results, pair everyone off and eventually hand out prizes  and report the event.

Interested?  Reach out to Ralph at
(Don’t FB message him as he is social media challenged).

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