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Select a VIP package and you can add on any of these packages in any qty you want.

If you order more than one you may get duplication of comics. Comic Books in the VIP RANDOM SELECTION may include All Ages, Teen, Teen
Plus, Mature or Adult Comics.

These random selections can not be customized by age and are NOT recommended for children. Comics books, like movies are geared towards specific age groups. Do not provide these to children without your review.

Responsible Parents and Guardians should always review their children’s reading materials.

Mail-Order version begins shipping week of 5/13.

** PARENTS / GUARDIANS – If you don’t review your children’s reading material it’s on you.  Comic book content varies from publisher to publisher.  Take the time to make sure you’re not giving your children something you don’t want them to see.

Additional information

25 additional comics | 50 additional comics | 100 additional comics

25 additional comics, 50 additional comics, 100 additional comics

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