We’ve got a selection of SALE trades / HCs / Books & more for you starting 12/26
The holidays’ may be slipping away but the savings at the megastore continues. Starting on 12/26 we’ll be offering a special trade / hardcover / omnibus / absolute / masterworks SALE!
Trades and HCs will be BUY 1 GET 1 FREE.
Absolute Editions, Omnibus and Masterworks will be 1/2 price.
We’ll have a special table set up right in the middle of the store for you to shop these deals. The only stipulation is you have to bring them directly to the counter as it only includes the books on the table (and probably under the table as well.
We’ll continue to add to the assortment as they sell down.
As usual, all the typical restrictions and stipulations apply. Deals are only from the books that we put on the table. If someone drops a book there that we didn’t put there it is not on sale. Store credit is never applicable to sales / deals / etc. The free book is the cheapest. Other restrictions and stipulations may apply. See clerk for details.